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Our Services

Laugh & Live service adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. We service individuals through our residential programs, Supportive In-Home, Independent Living and Sponsor Residential Services. As a provider, we strive to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the individuals served.

Our goals

  • Establishing a routine.
  • Learning functional skills.
  • Improve self-help skills.
  • Build independent living skills.
  • Socialize with others and increase peer interaction.
  • Explore the community and utilize community resources.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Learn functional skills (i.e.: toileting, bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, household chores, food preparation, money management, shopping, etc.).
  • Agree to obtain services designated in the plan.

Documentation Assistance

Need Help With Documentation? If so, We can help you with:

  • Medicaid Application
  • Medicaid Renewals
  • SSA Documentation
  • Reviewing Mail
  • Handi Ride Applications
  • Handi Ride Renewals
  • Discounted Bus Tickets
  • Voulnteer Opportunties
  • DARS Linkage
  • Local Resources

Supportive In-Home

In-home support service is a residential service that takes place in the individual’s home, family home, or community settings that typically supplement the primary care provided by the individual, family, or other unpaid caregiver and is designed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the individual. The individual shall be living in their own home or the family home. This service shall include a skill building (formerly called training) component, along with the provision of supports that enable an individual to acquire, retain, or improve the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills required for successfully living in their community. In-home support service shall be covered in the FIS and CL waivers. Supportive In-Home is NOT a 24 hour service and a backup is required.

Independent Living

Independent living support service is provided to adults 18 years of age and older that offers targeted skill building and supports necessary for individuals to secure and maintain their own home in the community. An individual receiving this service typically lives alone or with roommates in the individual’s own home or apartment. The supports may be provided in the individual’s residence or in other community settings. Independent living support service shall be covered in the BI waiver.

Sponsor Residential

Sponsored residential service is a residential service that consists of skill-building, routine supports, general supports, and safety supports that are provided in the homes of families or persons (sponsors) providing supports under the supervision of a DBHDS-licensed provider that enable an individual to acquire, retain, or improve the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in home and community settings. This service shall include skills development with the provision of supports, as needed. Sponsored waiver shall be covered in the CL waiver.

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